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━ Industrial Rugged Tablets and Computers

Handheld Group

Handheld Algiz 8X
Handheld Algiz 8X is a Windows Enterprise tablet
8" Screen - Fully Rugged Windows® Tablet

Handheld Algiz RT8
Handheld Algiz RT8 Android tablet is a fully rugged and ergonomic option for the field workforce
8" Screen - Fully Rugged Android™ Tablet

Handheld Nautiz X6
Handheld Nautiz X6 is a 6” fully rugged Android Tablet
6” Screen – Rugged Android™ Handheld

Zebra TC73/78
Fully rugged 6" Android Mobile Computers

5.7 Rugged Tablet

Handheld Nautiz X9
Nautiz X9 The Ultimate Outdoor Rugged PDA
5” Screen – Ultra Rugged Android™ Handheld

Handheld Nautiz X2
Handheld Nautiz X2 is a compact and comfortable rugged handheld computer
4.7” Screen – Rugged Android™ Handheld

Handheld NAUTIZ X41
Handheld Nautiz X41 is a powerful Android handheld running Android 9.0
4” Screen – Rugged Android™ Handheld

Handheld Nautiz X81
4.8” capacitive multi-touch display

Handheld Group

Handheld is a privately held manufacturer of rugged computers including both rugged tablets as well as PDAs.  As one of the fastest growing rugged computer manufacturers, Handheld, based in Sweden, sells and supports customers around the world. Founded in 1997 as Husky Computer, in 2003 new ownership took over and the organization became known as Handheld.  Winning numerous industry awards, Handheld is led by an experienced team which years of experience in all facets of the rugged mobile computing industry. Handheld’s product line has a strong reputation for durability, performance and functionality.  All units are engineered to IP65 or higher and engineered to perform continuously in the most challenging of environments. The Handheld rugged tablet lineup consists of the Algiz 8X and 10X Windows units and RT8 8” Android device.  All units boast sunlight-readable displays, numerous accessory options, robust comprehensive warranties.  The Android RT8 is GMS certified Android 11 unit while the 8X and 10X are full Windows devices.  Handheld tablets offer both WIFI and 4G LTE communications as well as multiple I/O ports, front and rear cameras, hot-swap batteries, and glove/rain mode touchscreens. Handheld has an impressive PDA portfolio with 5 different options.  These are the Nautiz X2, Nautiz X6, Nautiz X8, Nautiz X9 and Nautix X41.  Configurations include WIFI, 4G LTE, bar code scanners and hard keyboards.  Users can take photos and make calls, as every Handheld Nautiz unit has vibrant color displays, ultra-ruggedness and long battery life.  Handheld Nautiz units blur the line between handheld and tablet and are easily deployed into field service and “inside the four walls environments” with ease. Handheld ruggedness specifications include MIL-STD-810G testing for dust, shock, vibration, moisture and multiple drops.  All units are protected by a standard one-year warranty with an option to upgrade to 3-year and 3-year comprehensive MaxCare protection. Handheld also offers a unique Mobile Devcie management (MDM) solution called MaxGo.  The growing MaxGo Suite is designed to facilitate quick custom setups for a curated, secure experience across all your Handheld Android devices.

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